Being a part of the teaching team at Rescued Church has been an amazing experience. The synergy that Rick, Mako, and I share is something very special. I love that each of us is so different, and yet our gifts are so complementary. I am also continually impressed by how much I learn from both Rick and Mako. I am humbled and honored to teach along side such capable and compassionate men.
Rescued has been in a sermon series for several weeks on the New Testament book of First Corinthians, which is a letter the apostle Paul wrote to the Jesus-disciples with whom he shared the Good News about Jesus, and who had gathered together to form a Christian community in the Roman city of Corinth. The series has been entitled "The Future of Your Body" or just "The Body" because the focus of Paul's letter is two-fold: He wants the community there in Corinth to remember who they are in their new identity as members of Christ's corporate "body", and he wants them to know that their future has to do with their bodily resurrection from the dead. This is important, because many millions of American Christians think that the future for the Christian is a disembodied home in some ethereal sky paradise called "heaven." But the New Testament teaches that the future for the Christian is bodily resurrection in a New Heaven and New Earth (i.e. the New Creation). I've had the privilege of teaching on two passages from 1 Corinthians so far: Chapter 1, verse 17—Chapter 2, verse 5; and Chapter 5 (all 13 verses). I've embedded both videos below.
Rescued has also taken a break from the First Corinthians series to address a topic that has caused a lot of pain for many people as it relates to church: money. Many have felt exploited, abused, and tricked by pastors and preachers around money. So, as Rescued undertakes to discuss this topic, we felt it important to clear the ground by addressing some common, false teaching that has circulated in some churches. All three of us shared the teaching this week. We chose three passages and myths to start:
1. God is Not Karma (Luke 6.38)
2. God is Not an Investment Banker (II Corinthians 9.10)
3. God is Not a Mafia Boss (Malachi 3.8-12)
We also included a time for questions and answers. I've embedded that video below as well.
The Wisdom and Power of the Cross from Ricky Grant on Vimeo.
The Passover Life from Ricky Grant on Vimeo.
Bling Pt 1. "Money Myths" from Ricky Grant on Vimeo.
The Future of Your Body
Rescued has been in a sermon series for several weeks on the New Testament book of First Corinthians, which is a letter the apostle Paul wrote to the Jesus-disciples with whom he shared the Good News about Jesus, and who had gathered together to form a Christian community in the Roman city of Corinth. The series has been entitled "The Future of Your Body" or just "The Body" because the focus of Paul's letter is two-fold: He wants the community there in Corinth to remember who they are in their new identity as members of Christ's corporate "body", and he wants them to know that their future has to do with their bodily resurrection from the dead. This is important, because many millions of American Christians think that the future for the Christian is a disembodied home in some ethereal sky paradise called "heaven." But the New Testament teaches that the future for the Christian is bodily resurrection in a New Heaven and New Earth (i.e. the New Creation). I've had the privilege of teaching on two passages from 1 Corinthians so far: Chapter 1, verse 17—Chapter 2, verse 5; and Chapter 5 (all 13 verses). I've embedded both videos below.

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