I'm very happy to announce that I've finally started a podcast after many years of toying with the idea. The straw that broke the camel's back (as they say) was a particularly encouraging conversation with a new friend named Omar Reyes. So, thanks again Omar!
The podcast is called "
THEO GRAFF" (short for "theological graffiti", which is the name of my
theology blog) and the format is mostly interview-based. However, if a subject strikes my fancy, don't be surprised if I dedicate an episode to my own thoughts once and a while.
The way I'm describing the show is:
A Jesus-centered, hip hop flavored, geeky, theological, Kingdom exploration.
"Jesus. Theology. Hip Hop."
The first two episodes are already available on iTunes and I've got two episodes recorded but not yet posted. To get episodes sent to you automatically,
Subscribe on iTunes.