T. C.
T. C.
A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 2: The In-Breaking of God’s Kingdom
By T. C. | |
If you're just tuning in, in honor of Pentecost Sunday, I'm
A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 1: Direct, Dynamic, Relational
By T. C. | |
This strange, amazing, and sometimes perilous journey of discipleship, on
Oz and the Cross: Reflections on God’s Love and the Boston Marathon Bombings
By T. C. | |
Tuesday was my 31st birthday. In the days leading up
The “Genetic Relationship” Between Theological Determinism and Political Oppression: Extended Excerpts From Drs. Amjad-Ali and Ruiz
By T. C. | |
There’s no causal relationship, or even descriptive relationship really, between
The Lamb at the Center of Worship: St. John’s Revelation and Greg Boyd’s Cruciform-centric Hermeneutic
By T. C. | |
Christians Who Don't Worship Christ Until recently, I took it
Scandalizing Jesus: Discipleship, Allegiance, and Olivia Pope
By T. C. | |
Scandal is the latest show I've started watching since binge-watching
When I Met a Prophet: A Reflection on the Legacy of Dr. Richard Twiss and His Personal Impact on Me
By T. C. | |
On February 9th, 2013, Dr. Richard Leo Twiss (Taoyato Obnajin
Browncoats and Bibles: Prophetic Misbehavin’ in the Whedony ‘Verse of Firefly
By T. C. | |
The Worst Book on Racial Reconciliation Ever?—A Critical Review of One New Man by Jarvis J. Williams
By T. C. | |
Ephesians 2.11-22 is one of my favorite passages in Scripture.